Friday, 30 May 2014

Personality Trait: Theory of Relativity

Water is otherwise called H2O.Same is its chemical composition everywhere but the colour of water found in different oceans vary accordingly. Why this? This question gave an impetus to Einstein’s theory of relativity. In a layman’s parlance the colour of water is not same always; it is relatively related with each other. Irrespective of all castes, classes the human beings have a unique race called the human race. But the personality of individual is not same everywhere. It varies. We come across many people in our day-to-day lives with numerous personalities .If I may like the person-x, that does not signify that you also like him. Humans are very subjective. In an interview everybody from the panel of judges may not like the same interviewee. Some may like and some may not like him. Again comes the theory of relativity. The person I like,you may not like and the person you like,I may not like. The great dramatist Shakespeare says that there is nothing good or bad  but thinking makes it so. American poet Sylvia Plath composes like as follows,"I like people too much or not at all, I have got to go down deep , to fall into people to really know them.

So the personality comes from 3 factors most essentially
(1)Heredity-Some characteristics are a keep-sake to us by genetic engineering. We are divinely-gifted to some personifications within us.
(2)Environment-Our family provides us some forms of primary socialization. We got some characteristics from the cultural up-bringing.
(3)Situation-Situations are dynamic or in other words change is the only constant. Man reacts differently to various situations. A person’s behavior at a particular situation may not be similar to his behavior at another period of time. Everything is situational. To judge a human’s personality w.r.t  a particular  situation is a vague phenomenon.

So every human is relatively-related to each other.Nobody is good or bad.Thinking makes it so. Anne Frank,the thirteen year old girl,who died of the holocaust ,says something which may supersedes everything.She says despite everything,people are good at heart.Everybody has inside of him a piece good news.I simply cannot build my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion,misery and death.She may be right in saying so.She would have been the best selling writer of the world if not died in the Hitler's concentration camp.Still she says so.Really human personality is a very complex issue.