Friday, 30 May 2014

Personality Trait: Theory of Relativity

Water is otherwise called H2O.Same is its chemical composition everywhere but the colour of water found in different oceans vary accordingly. Why this? This question gave an impetus to Einstein’s theory of relativity. In a layman’s parlance the colour of water is not same always; it is relatively related with each other. Irrespective of all castes, classes the human beings have a unique race called the human race. But the personality of individual is not same everywhere. It varies. We come across many people in our day-to-day lives with numerous personalities .If I may like the person-x, that does not signify that you also like him. Humans are very subjective. In an interview everybody from the panel of judges may not like the same interviewee. Some may like and some may not like him. Again comes the theory of relativity. The person I like,you may not like and the person you like,I may not like. The great dramatist Shakespeare says that there is nothing good or bad  but thinking makes it so. American poet Sylvia Plath composes like as follows,"I like people too much or not at all, I have got to go down deep , to fall into people to really know them.

So the personality comes from 3 factors most essentially
(1)Heredity-Some characteristics are a keep-sake to us by genetic engineering. We are divinely-gifted to some personifications within us.
(2)Environment-Our family provides us some forms of primary socialization. We got some characteristics from the cultural up-bringing.
(3)Situation-Situations are dynamic or in other words change is the only constant. Man reacts differently to various situations. A person’s behavior at a particular situation may not be similar to his behavior at another period of time. Everything is situational. To judge a human’s personality w.r.t  a particular  situation is a vague phenomenon.

So every human is relatively-related to each other.Nobody is good or bad.Thinking makes it so. Anne Frank,the thirteen year old girl,who died of the holocaust ,says something which may supersedes everything.She says despite everything,people are good at heart.Everybody has inside of him a piece good news.I simply cannot build my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion,misery and death.She may be right in saying so.She would have been the best selling writer of the world if not died in the Hitler's concentration camp.Still she says so.Really human personality is a very complex issue.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

London-Once the World Capital of MNCs' Framework:America Eclipsed

A fundamental discovery of Economics-money has changed the world scenario.When it is a question of money,everybody is of same religion.In this age of money,profit is the primary motive.The capitalists' expenditure of their national production was not saturated.Too much of the savings was bad for the economy.So they invest goods and services outside their country of origin.They find these demands in the unsaturated markets in the under-developed countries.This Economic Imperialism (globalization) has canvased the blueprint of MNCs. MNCs are the trans-national corporations,cosmo-corps or multinational enterprise that produces goods & services outside their country of origin.Everybody wishes to work in MNCs in the age of money.All understands the language of money. The three reasons for the MNCs in the under developed countries to grow are as follows. Labour is cheap in the under developed parts of the world.English speaking population is more.The number of graduates each year is up to the mark.
Let's focus on the ground-breaking history of  Europe,which experienced a series of remarkable changes by the end of the Middle Ages with the disintegration of feudalism.(1)Renaissance (2)Voyages and discovery.In the race among the European countries with a economic motive and geographical curiosity to know the unknown world,the English eclipsed the rest.This imperial thrust was the reason for the Britain's growing transatlantic commerce and it's spectacular colonial gains.The City of London is the ancient core of the present-day London.The streets of the city of London reflects its trading origins.Going back to the Roman times,it was evaded & established by the Romans and named as Londinium with a trace of trade.It is a financial centre with a reciprocation between the local & the national government,an international port because of its advantageous location,i.e,it is at the furthest point inland and the Thames is a tidal river which is an ease for the accessibility of the sea-going ships.Once it was the whole earth emporium as it was importing the colonial goods from Asia & Africa etc & re-exporting them in the European countries and restricting by high price for exporting the products to the colonies. Furthermore it is a vast retail and entertainment hub.It went from being a producing unit to an unit based on services.It initiated the age of rationing and ended it as an economy based on consumerism.Now the city has expanded to the present day's London.Now it has become the US style neo-liberal economies in Europe which began with a number of privatization,deregulation etc under Margaret Thatcher and the Big Bang in the city of London in 1986.Grand neo-liberal projects like Canary Wharf is described as a masters-of -the universe syndrome,as it has conspired to change the face of the London.Its hubristic buildings has towered above the poorest and most deprived parts of London.Inequality increases as the London of most ordinary Londoner is very different from the new rich.This form of westernization is spreading all through the globe.Command over the English language,concept of the'New Women' ,towering the skyscrapers in form of MNCs,where no intimation no humanity ,& no continuum between the past and the present and working there for long hours,understanding the taste of money,high-profile life style is the western ethics spreading like virus everywhere.But now-a-days the US economy has superseded the English in terms of the largest economy in the world arena.Yes the US has eclipsed the UK in terms of nominal GDP growth.But the platform was the city of London where everything had once initialized.

A conservatory is a green-house and it is attached to a house,on only one side in the colder regions of the world as if a purpose to conserve the heat.Through a conservatory,we can see the physical entities,that are placed  outside of it.Even we can feel the intensity of the weather from  the sun-room. A subsequent reflection will make a resolution that ,London is just like a conservatory.The London's mob is full of spaces where different nationalities and races from the nook and corner of the world is seen.London is not,and never has been a city of native Londoners.For nearly all of its history it has been fed by migration.The English civilization or so-called westernization is metaphysically present everywhere in the world in the same way as the visibility from the micro glass-house to the cosmos.